Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Don't Ask, Don't Tell....Maybe Not So Much!!

President Obama feels strongly that the nations military is not operating at its full capacity because of the ban of open homosexual practices among the ranks. Do you feel the don't ask don't tell policy should be repealed? is it discrimination, does it hurt or help troop morale and the mission of our fighting force?

Obama's First State of The Union Address

After listening to the Presidents first offical Address to the Nation; what are your thoughts on his promises and his leadership in general? Inaddition to that, the current Virginia Govenor and Republican intrest represenative Bob McDonnell stated plainly that with the stimulus bill, healthcare reform, bank bailouts,education and social reform; the administration is "doing to much". Do you feel the president is infact adressing to many issues at once, and can we afford to cut back on theses issues and how do we determine which is more important? share your thoughts, invite a friend to share theirs!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Patt Quinn for IL??

In light of the recent campaign AD furnished by demoncrat Dan Hines;which show Chicago's former Mayor Harold Washington discussing why he fired Pat Quin many years ago, has your opinion of the Govenor changed and will you back him in the primary? or do you feel Hines is a ruthless and unfair candidate exploiting the late Mayor Harold Washington to gain the minority vote?